Municipal Manager (MM)

Tel: (053) 298 1810
Fax: (053) 298 3141

Mrs M Tieties

Municipal Managers PA

Tel: (053) 298 1810
Fax: (053) 298 3141

Clr Patrick Jacobus McKlein



Mrs Lemfvia van Niekerk


Willem Jouke van Bergen

INDEPENDENT – Ward 4 Councilor


Clr Mabel Tau

ANC-Ward Councilor


Maggie JoanAnn Katz

ANC-Ward Councilor

Velaphi Benjamin Makabe

INDEPENDENT-Ward 3 Councilor

Clr J George


Tel: (053) 598 1810

ANC-Ward Councilor

Clr Deon Ellison

ANC-Ward Councilor

Clr Harry Teko Kolberg

Ward Councilor

Clr Chirstopher Nyangintaka


Clr Elidia Louw


Clr Susara A Buitendag


Clr Donovan Smous


Mr J.L Marwane

Senior Manager: Corporate Services


Ms Charlene Zealand

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Finance

Tel. (053) 298 1810
Fax. (053) 298 3141

Mrs. P.J.E. Bloem

Deputy Chief Financial Officer


Mr. G. Beukes

Senior Manager Community Services

Mrs M.E. Mokgalagadi


Political Structure/ Mayor’s Office



All municipalities consist of:

A municipal council

The municipal council consists of politicians who are democratically elected by local residents. The council is responsible for governing the local area.

A municipal administration

The administration is the organization that delivers municipal services to local residents. It consists of officials who are employed by the municipal council. The head of the administration, or the manager of the organization, is called the Municipal Manager (previously called the CEO).

Municipal councils are central to local democracy. Although there are many leaders and influential people in local communities, the municipal council is the only structure elected by the whole local community. It is meant to represent the collective interests and provide leadership to the whole community.

As providers of developmental local government, every municipal council has a wide range of responsibilities:

Municipal councils must ensure the provision of services to local communities. To deliver these services, the municipality must hire staff and pay for things like water pipes and streetlights. If the municipality does not have adequate income, it will not be able to afford to continue to provide services.

Municipalities, therefore, need financial and management systems to collect income from rates, tax and service charges.

These systems will ensure that service delivery is sustainable.

Municipal councils must also promote the social and economic development of their local communities. Municipalities are responsible for services that aim to make our cities, towns and rural areas prosperous and healthy places to live and work in.

For example, municipalities must develop plans for their local areas to ensure that residential homes are close to schools, clinics and shops. Municipal planning can also enhance the economic potential of an area.

For example, through ensuring that there is transport for people to travel from home to work. Municipalities can also develop programmes to support the economic growth of the local area, such as small business development programmes.

Most importantly, municipal councils are responsible for governing the local area in a way that is democratic and accountable to the local communities that elected them. Municipal councils take important decisions on behalf of the communities they represent. For example, they must decide which services are most urgently needed and where to allocate limited resources.

Each municipal council must ensure that the decisions it takes aim to meet the needs of the local community, and benefit the local area. It must also account to local residents for the decisions that it takes, and for the way in which it spends public funds. Municipal councils should ensure that local residents have a say in the decisions they take. They should encourage the involvement of communities and community organizations in the governance of the local area.


As head of administration the municipal manager of a municipality is, subject to the policy directions of the municipal council, responsible and accountable to/or—

(a) The formation and development of an economical effective, efficient and accountable administration-

(i) Equipped to carry out the task of implementing the municipality’s integrated development plan.

(ii) Operating in accordance with the municipality’s performance management system.

(iii) Responsive to the needs of the local community to participate in the affairs of the municipality.

(b) The management of the municipality’s administration in accordance with the Local Government Municipal Systems Act of 2000 and other legislation applicable to the municipality.

(c) The implementation of the municipality’s integrated development plan, and the monitoring of progress with implementation of the plan.

(d) The management of the provision of services to the local community in a sustainable and equitable manner.

(e) The appointment of staff other than those referred to in section 56(cz), subject to the Employment Equity Act, 1998 (Act No. 55 of 1998);

(f) The management, effective utilisation and training of staff.

(g) The maintenance and discipline of staff.

(h) The promotion of sound labour relations and compliance by the municipality with applicable labour legislation;

(i) Advising the political structures and political office bearers of the municipality.

(j) Managing communications between the municipality’s administration and its political structures and political office bearers

(k) Carrying out the decisions of the political structures and political office bearers of the municipality;

(l) The administration and implementation of the municipality’s by-laws and 15 other legislations.

(m) The exercise of’ any powers and the performance of any duties delegated by the municipal council, or sub-delegated by other delegating authorities of the municipality, to the municipal manager in terms of section 59:

(n) Facilitating participation by the local community in the affairs of the municipality.

(o) Developing and maintaining a system whereby community satisfaction with municipal services is assessed;

(p) The implementation of national and provincial legislation applicable to the municipality; and

(q) The performance of any other function that may be assigned by the municipal council.

2) A municipality may establish or participate in a municipal entity only if the municipal manager, at least 90 days

before the meeting of the municipal council at which the proposed establishment of the entity, or the municipality’s

proposed participation in the entity, is to be approved-

(i) Has, in accordance with section 21A of the Municipal Systems Act


The MFMA, section 81, states that the CFO is “… administratively in charge of the budget and treasury office…”. The

CFO is responsible for establishing the budget and treasury office as this is the financial management hub of the municipality where the core finance functions are performed.

1 Establishing the budget and treasury office

The establishment of the budget and treasury office (BTO) by the municipality in terms of the MFMA was delayed until 1 July 2007 to allow municipalities to build the necessary capacity to adequately staff the BTO.

The MFMA prescribes that the CFO heads the BTO and that competent finance officials must support the CFO in his  role. The competencies of municipal officials assigned to the budget and treasury office must meet the minimum  prescribed financial competency levels.

The Act does not specify or propose a structure for the budget and treasury office as this is for the municipality to determine however, in so doing, the following minimum functions must be provided for:

Sound governance arrangements are integral to municipal finance management. A culture of transparency that includes regular reporting is necessary. It is important that professional standards and best practices are implemented and complied with throughout the municipality.

2 Budget Planning

The budget planning process is described in detail in Part Three of the CFO Handbook. The role of the CFO is to assist the accounting officer with budget preparation and budget implementation amongst other financial management duties in terms of section 81 (1) of the MFMA. The CFO is duty bound to assist senior managers with their duties and responsibilities inferred on them in terms of section 78 and with duties delegated to them by the accounting officer in terms of section 79 of the Act.

The CFO, in terms of the written delegations from the accounting officer, is accountable to the accounting officer for ensuring that the municipality complies with the budget preparation, budget compilation, including the required consultation processes and budget implementation requirements of the MFMA.

The CFO must ensure that the timelines and deliverables in respect of the municipal budget schedule as tabled by the mayor are achieved. The CFO will have to ensure that the necessary systems, processes and policies are in place to assist senior managers with their contributions to the budget compilation process.

The CFO must ensure that he/she has complete knowledge of the legislative requirements and supporting regulations, guidelines and budget formats so that he/she can compile an accurate and credible budget within the legislative timeframes.


Corporate Services Department’s core function is to provide support to all the Departments within the Siyancuma Municipality Coast Municipality to ensure efficient and effective delivery. It consists of nine (9) divisions, namely:-

  1. Human Resources – is responsible for labour matters, recruitment and Selection and Staff benefits
  2. Estate Administration – is responsible for the administration and management of all council owned properties,

closure of road / lane and public open spaces, encroachment, leases and alienation of council owned land.

  1. Housing
  2. Administration – is responsible for minute taking for all Council meetings i.e Executive Committee, Council, Portfolio

Committees and Sub-Committees. The division is also responsible for Council’s municipal code, ensure efficient

registry and switchboard operations

  1. Douglas Holiday Resort – Leisure
  2. Traffic Services – By Law enforcement and traffic services
  3. Disaster Management
  4. IDP – ensure community and other stakeholders inputs in the IDP processes
  5. LED – is responsible for the development of our local economy, business/companies registration

Corporate services functions

Human Resources

Skills Development and Training

Estates Administration

Meeting Administration

Records and Registry

Switchboard and Reception

– General Administration

– Municipal Notices

– Translation and Interpretation

– Policies Register

– Municipal Code

– Ward Committees

– Councillors Information


The Technical Department derived its mandate from the Constitution of the RSA as well as applicable Municipal Legislation.

The Mission of the Department is to provide Infrastructure Services as well as Housing and Critical Resources to

Siyancuma Municipality and the residents.

The Strategic Objective of the Department is to provide Infrastructure led and driven economic growth through the

provision of technical infrastructure.

The function and responsibilities of the infra-structure service includes:

Water and Sanitation

Roads and Stormwater

Electricity Distributions

Fleet Management

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